offline oldu sw ne zmn acılır bilgisi olan pm
böle bşi yazıyo forumda türkçeye çevirebilirmisinizTipking demiş ki:I am not aware of the problem but plz refrain urselfs from posting about it...Im sure it will be taken care of...I was told about Fire being offline so i post it,thats all i kno..So wait pateintly for it to reopn...Any poster making a topic about this will be ban for 1 week thank you
o yazı önceden yazılmış... ZSZC nin kendi formunda bir üye admine diyor onları o kadar önemli değilExcluded demiş ki:böle bşi yazıyo forumda türkçeye çevirebilirmisinizTipking demiş ki:I am not aware of the problem but plz refrain urselfs from posting about it...Im sure it will be taken care of...I was told about Fire being offline so i post it,thats all i kno..So wait pateintly for it to reopn...Any poster making a topic about this will be ban for 1 week thank you